Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Club Fort Med at Boljoon, Cebu

This is where we spent our Holy Week 2010. Let the pictures speak by itself...

Front Sign

Reception Area

Reception Area (view from the beach)

Center Beach area (during low tide)

Open house cottage...perfect for day use

Right side beach area

This is my favorite beach area (during high tide) since passing buses can be viewed over the top. Also since it has breakwater, the raging waves do not scare me at all.

I forgot to take photos of the 3 swimming pools (2 kiddie pools & 1 adult pool). This is where me & my son stayed at the most...

If you want more info about this place, visit

Plants vs Zombies

Have you heard about this latest craze? I didn't realize I was really hooked on this one not until one day I was trying to Google down-loadable versions of the game so I can install it at my work station and play it during lunch breaks.

I have this game at my laptop. I tried playing on it during one of my lull moments at the airport during one of my trips. It was such a bad idea! From then on, I never stopped playing even until I had my Zen garden. Now my Zen garden is full of plants and my kid is selling them without my knowledge. Hahaha! You thought I was the only one is my almost 3-year old kid. He loves throwing potatoes (big ones) at the zombies. He loves planting lilies at the pool. He loves feeding brains under the sea. I thought he doesn't understand but he does. He even tells me to collect the money and the sun when I'm playing.

As of now, I'm saving enough money to grow my tree. My son loves buying the fertilizer for this. Whoever invented this game, thank you for giving us another addicting game.

For those who want to download the free version of this game, go to Pop Cap official site. PLANTS vs ZOMBIES

Working Mom

I used to think being a working mom was an easy task. I never heard my mom complained before. All the while, I saw it as just an easy piece of cake. If my mom can do it and many other else, I can do it too. And I'll be at my best. Whew! It was easier said than done.

I was working right after I graduated college. And I got used to working in my entire life. Having my own family at a later age, as I have foreseen, was just going to be easy for me. Or so I thought.

Right after I gave birth to my son, I had a 2-month mandatory maternity leave. I thought it was too long to be away from work. But boy, as I reached my first month, I was already contemplating on prolonging my leave. Or if my company won't allow, I was thinking of resigning from work. Just so I can take care of my baby. When I got back to work, I would call our house almost every hour to check on my little one.

But then, work is work. I had to go back to normal and started traveling again. That was the time I had to let go of breastfeeding my little one. They said it was a choice. I was left with no choice. I had to work, we needed the income. And that was one of the consequences.

My kid is now running 3-years old. He started going to daycare when he turned 2. I went on leave from work every time they had an "event" in school - his first educational trip, Christmas party, etc. How I wish I was a stay-at-home mom.

The hardest part of being a working mom is during the times your kid is not at the best of health. You'll be torn between going to work or taking care of the kid. I usually take the latter. I have once tried reporting to work, leaving my sick kid to his ya-ya. But I end up absent-minded at work and keep on checking on him every hour.

The fulfillment of having a career is different with being a Mom. If I had to no choice but to choose only one, I'd rather be a Mom than being a successful career woman. But I'm trying my best to be both. I still think I can do it.