Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Working Mom

I used to think being a working mom was an easy task. I never heard my mom complained before. All the while, I saw it as just an easy piece of cake. If my mom can do it and many other else, I can do it too. And I'll be at my best. Whew! It was easier said than done.

I was working right after I graduated college. And I got used to working in my entire life. Having my own family at a later age, as I have foreseen, was just going to be easy for me. Or so I thought.

Right after I gave birth to my son, I had a 2-month mandatory maternity leave. I thought it was too long to be away from work. But boy, as I reached my first month, I was already contemplating on prolonging my leave. Or if my company won't allow, I was thinking of resigning from work. Just so I can take care of my baby. When I got back to work, I would call our house almost every hour to check on my little one.

But then, work is work. I had to go back to normal and started traveling again. That was the time I had to let go of breastfeeding my little one. They said it was a choice. I was left with no choice. I had to work, we needed the income. And that was one of the consequences.

My kid is now running 3-years old. He started going to daycare when he turned 2. I went on leave from work every time they had an "event" in school - his first educational trip, Christmas party, etc. How I wish I was a stay-at-home mom.

The hardest part of being a working mom is during the times your kid is not at the best of health. You'll be torn between going to work or taking care of the kid. I usually take the latter. I have once tried reporting to work, leaving my sick kid to his ya-ya. But I end up absent-minded at work and keep on checking on him every hour.

The fulfillment of having a career is different with being a Mom. If I had to no choice but to choose only one, I'd rather be a Mom than being a successful career woman. But I'm trying my best to be both. I still think I can do it.

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