Sunday, April 3, 2011

Enchanted Kingdom

We were quite excited when the day finally came for our Enchanted Kingdom visit. Most specially excited for my kid who for the first time will try on the rides since he is now 42inches tall.

Off we went and the sun was shining that day. Our faces beaming with excitement. First on the list was the Grand Carousel. Favorite ride for a 3-year old kid. Having seen the Happy Feet posters, we went to Rialto. Good thing his height was just enough. We fell in line for around 30minutes. Then we went in. My little boy was excited since he knew Mumble and has watched Happy Feet several times.

Just as the show was about to start, he started saying he wants to go out. He knew something was not right. I just talked to him about Mumble, how fun its gonna be and the movie is about to start. When it finally started and the theater chairs began moving, it was then he held on tight to my hand and started crying. He was afraid he will fall down. During the entire 5mins duration of the show he was crying and telling me he wanted to go home. I cannot just open the seat belt and jump out of the seats. His tears were falling and my heart was just torn. I was thinking...what did I do? It was supposed to be fun for my kid...It turned out traumatic for him. When we finally went out, I had to reassure him that it will not happen again.

I felt guilty even as I was writing this. I was supposed to be the first person he can trust, yet I allowed him to be traumatized by the experience. When I remember how he cried inside the theater and the amount of tears that fell, I feel my heart squeeze. Next time, I'd better be more careful and sensitive and considerate...I promise.

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