Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Travel Photos - Coron

I have not been updating this blog for sometime now. Life has been colorful and a lot has happened since then. Anyway, my love for life and travel has not been diminished. I decided to post photo blogs of the places I have been to and write some notes and reviews. It shall serve as my memory book and maybe others will find it interesting too.

I shall start with.... Coron in Busuanga. Picture perfect place.

Mt. Tapyas - this is the part of Coron Town where you can see the C-O-R-O-N on top of the mountain. We braved the countless steps to reach the peak at 4 in the afternoon. There were no canteen or snack bar and we were sweating and panting on our way up. But the view on top was awesome.

The peak of Mt. Tapyas

The view from the top of Mt. Tapyas

Sunset at the top of Mt. Tapyas

Island Hopping - the activity is a must for all visitors of Coron. Early morning at 7-8am, boats leave the dock  for tourists who are scheduled on various island hopping trips.
 View during our Island Hopping

Kayangan Lake - the picturesque destination in Coron. But you have to brave the uphill climb to enjoy this natural wonder. A cool swim and a sumptuous snack after the climb makes you forget about the tired muscles. A must-visit....

Kayangan Lake

Fishes at the Kayangan Lake

Boat quay at the foot of Kayangan Lake

Malcapuya Island - this is where we had our buffet lunch. Lots of profile pics were taken here...

Fine white sands at Malcapuya Island

Maquinit Hot Sping - after a whole day of activities with tired muscles, this is a pecfect treat to relax and spend ample time lounging in the hot waters of the spring.

Maquinit Hotspring

Visited also the Twin Lagoon during the Island Tour but I do not have pictures to share. I would highly recommend the place too.

Hope you appreciate the photos though they are just taken by phone. 

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